Mini Primark Haul

I’m a sucker for bargain buys which is why I try and limit my trips to Primark. On many an occasion I have entered and left with a billion things I never knew I needed and that is exactly what happened when I took a 10 minute trip to the store during my lunch break last week. I thought I’d have a quick browse to pass the time, with no intention of buying anything but Primark seems to have a hold over me, I can never leave empty handed!

Although I moan, I was actually quite pleased with my purchases and thought they deserve to be shared.

Here are the things I bought –

photo 4 (3)12     photo 1(1)     photo 1(1)2

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The EarlyBird Gets The Cake

Waking up at 8am on a Sunday morning should be a crime. And it is a crime which I had to commit this week.

Now, I don’t wake up that early on a Sunday morning for anyone. Oh no, you have to be pretty damn special to get that privilege from me.

There is only one thing that could get me out of bed that early and that is of course cakes. Cakes, cakes and more cakes. I mean, how can anyone resist the smell of freshly baked goods!

The reason for the early start was because Sunday was the day for the annual Cake & Bake Show!  A friend and I decided to head on down to Earls Court to fill our stomachs to our hearts content with all the sweet stuff and to see if we could get any tips and tricks on how we could improve our baking skills.

Baking Heaven Continue reading